Jan 16 2025    Opened in form at 7:30PM   Master   Eric Hatle SW   Tom Marty     JW  Chris Westby SD  Justin Johnson JD Blake Meland  Tyler Gary Anderson SS JS   Sect Harold Holt Treasure Don Perrin    Chap Eric Hatle Marshall/LEO Owen Thompson      Sideliners   Visitors   Open  on MM     Opening Lodge of Sorrow Minutes 12/5/2024 Meeting 12/19/2024 called off due to weather Meeting 01/02/2014 installtion Marshall Owen Thompson Master Don Perrin still need to install Stewards read Motion Owen Second Tom approved Bell Bank CD roof #1 $10,000.00  Bell Bank CD roof #2 $10,000.00  Bell Bank working Benevolent  $  $ 2,8320.58 Construction $10,000.00 MN National general $16,429.49 Rent & building       $ 1,275.67 $50,537.74 Assets  Building $51,700  Furniture & memorabilia $30,000  $81,700.00  Loan Grand Lodge (due $6000 each Aug 1 for five  years     $30,000 Read & approved  Chris   2nd      Owen               Secretary – Task Master -  We will NOT be remembered by what we do, but by what we say we say we will do and NOT do it!  1. Sect to ask Master and Committee chairmen for item for agenda and goals  2. Will send agenda to Brothers on Tuesday or Wedensday 3 Will send out minutes to members by Grand View   4 Send out email to 9 who still owe dues  $1,350 ($630 of this is per capital)  Should I ask them for demit 5. Will send out an email again on how to sign up for Grand View and ask Brothers to update the information.  Include wife’s name and phone number. Will check with library if can do Grand View next meeting  6 . SMART GOALS The chairman will contact his members and then send the goal to Harold who will then but it on the agenda. Once the goal is set, they will need to plan on how to accomplish it. The goal is to increase ownership of Otter Tail Lodge resulting in more participation.  Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant Time bound.    CORRESPONDENCE  1. Sent letter to School Counslor about scholarship 2. Thank You from Elem 3. Thank You and check for $500 for Haunted Fores 3. Grand Lodge about Regional Director 4 Grand Lodge April 11 & 12    2:10 hours registration 8:00 opens at 9:00  Who Going? Eric, Tom & Harold Harold got room at Best Western one or two r 5 Bill O  sent to   Masonic charities- PRPD, speaker, and Old Fashion light displays got checks 6. Sent email to Doug Burgerman about Peteville - 7 Job Daughter Foundation letter for donation 8. letter about Masonic Chilren with Communication Disorders 9. Naming of Masonic Institute of the Biology of Aging and Metebolism at U of Minnesota 10. Scam email from Annual Records Service sent copy to Sect of State 11. Press Installtion 12 Masonic charities letters – Petrville, PRPD, Overcoming th Hard 12. Press picture of checks to city 13. Officers how do you want Sec to correspond with you? Grand View email both text TEXT if large amoint of information sened text to look at email Last email got only one got two phone calls about email one was from Bill BILLS  1. Paid Larrys $250 for gift cards. Charitie Comittees voted to buy five $50 cards for Elem families According to By-Laws they can do this 2. Grand Lodge $1,976 Per capital and raising 3. Ethan Sjostrom $500 scholarship yes 4. Chamnber dues $75.00 yes OLD BUSSINESS          Master calls on committee chairman or member to report  1. Harold to check on cost of printing FST tickets  Lou to send bill   2. OTL “What we Do” Should have a number of these in the Lodge  3. Committe reports  Building  1. Roof - Tom will ask Alan if wants to do it or not Does not want to do it Tanner Nelson/Blake Meland will submit bill (Sec will send matterial list) Lodge has tax excempt number so will buy matterial, will save money 2 Basement- water heaters & light bulbs. Harold asked Pool Hall to haul up, he will take them away in spring 3 Need to have recording what we spend loan money on from loans from Grand Lodge.  If not included on loan applications should not be included.  4 If add something we need to vote on it before having it done  5 When turn in bills for $10,000 or more will get $5000 from city grant from October 2024 6 Chair raisers on hold to roof done. Do we have an estimate?  7. Harold Small cities grant – will get money in spring 2025. Do not need to reapply. Will have a site visit late spring. Need building plans what do, costs, labor, ect  Master to call Building committee for this North side fascia board West window deck for Pool Hall   8 Remodel kitchen area Plan & cost    9 Remodel lodge area  Plan & cost   What was measurement of Underwood? 10 Toilet donated Who will help install once Harold gets it upstairs  11 Flooring & Paint  $8698.43g    included in Grand Lodge Loan  Charities   1. Jeff Peterson  Booster Page – REPORT cost   2 Bill was unable to check with Elementary on how want to do bikes this year  before left for Hawaii Who can do it Chris Westby 3 Harold Christmas cards  - Friday 12/5/24 at 1:00 at PVSL Harold, Bill, Tom, Chris. Well received, Chris suggested tape candy canes on card next year.   Ritual  1. MM  Cornerstone – Underwood Dec 7, 2024 at 2:00 PM  for Tanner Nelson   NEW BUSSINESS  “plans for the future”!  Committee reports  Would be a good idea if Officers looked at agenda before opening of meeting so could ask questions of Master and Secretary Organize committees are there area you are intersted in? Eric same committes as last year Sect will send out (sent out 1/20/25) Duties and reasponsibilies – Eric asked officers to read their section Master calls on committee chairman or member to report  1 Activities  and programs Master, - chair   Goal              NONE  a Annual report due 1/15/25 will sign tonight & mail in with check online copy already sent in. b Audit info . c Calander d Officers meeting   2. Building Chairman. Senior Warden.   Goal              NONE    a need to come up with plan for small sities grant 3. Charity  “generosity and helpfulness”  Chair. Junior Warden  Goal     Research school and community needs. This will provide positive press promotion.    4 Communication. Chairman. Secretary.  From Master Mason Obligastion :I furthermore promise and swear that I will answer and obey all due signs and summonses sent me from a Lodge of Master Masons, or handed me by a brother of this degree, if within the length of my cable tow. Lodge of Education Cable tow It is a binding agreement between Masons and their duties toward the fraternity. The cable tie initiates an Entered Apprentice into his vows of secrecy—primarily to protect ancient truths and timeless truths central to Freemasonry. This symbolic ritual fosters deep understanding among the brethren while emphasizing self-improvement through knowledge absorption from various arts and sciences. Personal interpretation plays a crucial role in unraveling Masonic mysteries surrounding this symbol—presenting each Brother with unique insights based on his experience within brotherhood circles. As such, the cable tow serves as a token of initiation and an enduring reminder of one’s responsibilities towards fellow brethren—and humanity at large—to preserve wisdom for future generations.   5 Finance Chair. Treasurer   Goal              NONE  a. need a Budget! Per Capital 28x $70               = $1,960.00  Taxes=                               $1,294.00 Insurance = $2,028.00 Bikes  (6 x $125 ?) = $ 725.00  Scholarship = $ 500.00 Trust fund Due Aug 1, 2025 $6,000.00 $12507.00 23 members X $150 = $3,450 5 life members Rent ? x 12 = $3,540 Haunted Forest $500 Birak Shrine -Ct Fair $500 $7,990.00 ?? Expenses $12,507.00 – income $7990.00= $4587.00 ??   6 Fundraising. Chair Senior Warden. Goal              NONE  need to start thinking about what going to do so can pay back the $6000 to Grand Lodge by  8/1/25  Chris W said we need to start soon, Harold will check on fees. Sect will send info to Chris 7 Funeral (JW, Sect, Chap)  Funeral Chairman. Chaplain.  Members. Goal              NONE   8 Lunch. Chair, Junior Waden.thers to provide lunch for each meeting  Goal              NONE  9. Membership Chair. Secretary.  Goal  Increase membership contacts by having 70% of Brothers enrolled in Grandview by June 1,2025  a. How do we get better attendance?  Owen & Don will call older members to see how doing and invite to meetings  Owen brought up the idea of a Saturday breakfast once a month. Invite prospects to it and those older members who may not want to go outs at night  b. Master needs to tell committee to call members  Not email  It is to easy to ignore email  c. Officers can find names, phone numbers & emails, on Grand view  d. Need cell number so could send out text messages   e. Sent out  list of names to committee members  f. Easy thing to do if Brothers entered their own stuff and update it  g. Sec and Assistant the most then Master Grand View h. QR code for Grand View i Will send following questions to Brothers by e-mail  . What can the officers do to improve attendance?  . What activities would you like the Lodge to do?  . Do you like the minutes being sent out?  . Do you want an agenda sent out before a meeting?  Other ideas?  j. Sec will send phone number to Brothers, are you okay with this? YES K. Owen asked us why we became Masons. He will come up with a list to give perospecects goal is to get 5 new members in 2025 need to ask 10-25 to get this need to make sure members will not be black balled Moorhead does pancake breakfasts on Sat. Could invite prospects to go there Or breakfast in PT   10 Promotion SD-chair,   Goal              NONE  a. Business cards on desk for people  b. IDEAS DURING YEAR  Chris Westby hopes to get our “Master’s Tournament “ in June  FYI  El Zagal will be having a Best Ball tournament in Hawley 5/17/24. c. Next year could do hot chocolate during Lighted Horse Prade  d. Can do lots of things that don’t much money  e. At elem. Wrestling tournament could volunteer to sell admission tickets - two area with two each. Maybe 8:00 Am to 11:00 AM or noon. Seven of officers either wrestled or fathers of wrestlers f. Press on 1/9/25 Page 2 about VFW. We should do this also.Press article for Feb.20. Washington’s birthday 2/17/25 g. Master Eric asked if we would help with a fishing tourmnament on Lizzie, will find out times and let us know g. Blake, Chris, Don and Harold presented $100 check to Chief of Police and City for Petyville from Masonic Charities – Thank you from city  .11 Ritual Chairman. Senior Warden.  Goal              NONE  Signers let Secretary who paying fees and dues  a EA degree      date? Where? Pelican – Underwood - DL  Zack can do it on Mondays during Jan.&.Feb. Have we found out yet.If in Pelican how much help do we need? Who contact him? Chris will find out if can do it Feb. 10. Eric in charge of who does par Have signers showed him how to get into Grand View and or sent him what is on Grand View for canidates? b Does anyone have a candidate who could got through with Zack? Harold Holt called and sent info to Jason Grosz from Barnesville, no reply yet  12 Other new business   May have someone who will take piano  13 For the good of the Lodge Harold Holt had Owen Thompson escort Blake Meland to Sec. Desk where he was presented a fram of Meland Masonic History and a frame of Meland insurance. 14 closed in form at       9: 00       Lunch served by Chris We   Master _____________________